Paying to correct a mistake you’ve made or defending yourself when the quality of your work is questioned could put your company out of business. Professional Indemnity Insurance covers liabilities as a result of giving wrong advice or breaching a duty of care.
It is necessary protection for any business, large or small, that provides services, or professional advice to clients, such as architects, accountants, solicitors and consultants, or those in the maintenance and transport fields.

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Please Call Us On 0203 475 3344
Paying to correct a mistake you’ve made or defending yourself when the quality of your work is questioned could put your company out of business. Professional Indemnity Insurance covers liabilities as a result of giving wrong advice or breaching a duty of care.
It is necessary protection for any business, large or small, that provides services, or professional advice to clients, such as architects, accountants, solicitors and consultants, or those in the maintenance and transport fields.
Policy features include:
- Flexible cover levels
- Costs incurred for breach of professional duty, including legal expenses, compensation, damages and court attendance
- Dishonesty of employees
- Breach of confidentiality
- Unknowing copyright or trademark infringement
- Unintentional intellectual property theft, or false attribution of authority
- Defamation and loss of reputation
- Bodily injury arising from breach of professional duty
- Loss of documents
- Cover for previous work